

COMUNIKOS presentation at the 62nd World Statistics Congress ISI 2019

COMUNIKOS challenges and benefits were presented through an applied research to measuring well-being at local level for informed public policy at the 62nd World Statistics Congress ISI 2019 in Kuala Lumpur.
In case you missed our live presentation in Kuala Lumpur, you can find the file uploaded here.
Enjoy the reading and don’t hesitate to send comments or questions at!
Check also the COMUNIKOS CROS portal section for more updates regarding the project and our activity.

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ESS Workshop on administrative data and social statistics in Valencia

GOPA team participated in the ESS Workshop on administrative data and social statistics in Valencia on 4th and 5th June 2019. Our expert presented an overview of the disseminated results of ESS Vision 2020 ADMIN project. Its goal is to help Member States of the European Statistical System (ESS) to make wider and better use of administrative sources in the production of official statistics.

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COMUNIKOS project: conclusions of the Working Group on Methodology

COMmunicating UNcertainty In Key Official Statistics (COMUNIKOS) was presented at the 4th Meeting of the Working Group on Methodology, held in Luxembourg on 8 April 2019:

The Working Group welcomes the initiative, in particular its focus on communication aspects and the way the social media ( and LinkedIn will be used to disseminate the results. The group took note of the state of play of the project and emphasised its orientation towards new sources, the visualisation techniques and communicating the uncertainties of the final output.

COMUNIKOS is an Eurostat research initiative, implemented with the support of GOPA, aiming to conduct a review of the current practices in measuring and communicating uncertainty of disseminated data, and to study the latest developments in the field and their applicability to official statistics. The expected results include enhanced recommendations to tackle the misinterpretation, due to errors or uncertainties, of the information the statistics reveal. All related project documents are available at Eurostat Collaboration in Research and Methodology for Official Statistics (CROS portal).

The Powerpoint presentation can be found here.

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13th “Journée de l’économie” in Luxembourg

Since 2007, the Ministry of Economy via the Luxembourg Competitiveness Observatory, the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce and FEDIL – The Voice of Luxembourg’s Industry, with the contribution of PwC Luxembourg, organise the “Journée de l’Économie” (further information) which took place this year on February 28, 2019 at the Chamber of Commerce premises.

The objective of the conference is to bring together a community of entrepreneurs, leaders, institutional administrators, politicians and decision-makers from Luxembourg, as well as contributors with relevant international background, and discuss about the possible developments and threats for the Luxembourgish and global economy in general. In particular this year, the discussion was focused on critical issues affecting global trade and international economic relations.

GOPA Luxembourg was glad to attend the conference as part of the Luxembourgish business community. The event confirmed its key role as a link between the public and private institutions in the analysis of upcoming business opportunities and developments for the Luxembourgish economy.

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GOPA Luxembourg to NTTS2019: Big Data Analysis

On the occasion of the New Techniques and Technologies for Statistics (NTTS) Conference in Brussels, GOPA Luxembourg will hold a poster presentation entitled ‘Attributes for Big Data for Official Statistics – an Application to Scanner Data in Luxembourg’.

Join our team in exploring how to maximize the potential of Big Data, with lessons learned and future goals for the use of scanner data in Luxembourg. The presentation will look at the benefits and challenges of using scanner data, the methodology that is currently being developed to process said data, and important aspect to consider in the application of scanner data to different statistical domains.

NTTS2019 will take place in Brussels from 12 to 14 March. GOPA Luxembourg is presenting 12 March 12.30-13.30, in the Charlemagne building (170 Rue de la Loi). Read more about our session here.

(See you there!)

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ESS guidelines on temporal disaggregation, benchmarking and reconciliation just published by Eurostat

Edited by Dario Buono (Eurostat), Duncan Elliott (ONS) and co-edited by our Technical Director Gian Luigi Mazzi as expert.

The newly published guidelines on temporal disaggregation, benchmarking and reconciliation constitute an additional milestone towards a better harmonization and comparability of European infra-annual statistics. They complement the set of already published guidelines on seasonal adjustment, revision policy, rapid estimates and cyclical composite indicators. This document provides recommendation to all those EU Member States aiming to apply temporal disaggregation, benchmarking and reconciliation techniques in the production of infra-annual statistics. Furthermore, they provide ways to improve the use of such techniques in EU Member States already using them in their production processes.

The guidelines are available here.

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The annual GOPA Statistics workshop organised for the first time by GOPA Luxembourg

GOPA Luxembourg organised for the first time the annual GOPA Statistics workshop, a joint event put together by the GOPA Group through the STATS Department of GOPA mbH and GOPA Luxembourg The workshop was held on 6-7 November 2018 at the Alvisse Parc Hotel in Luxembourg. The event benefitted from the participation of GOPA Group Chairman, Dr Martin Güldner, and GOPA Worlwide Consultants Director General, Mr Berthold Averweg.

The GOPA Statistics workshop serves as a platform to coordinate the activities of the statistical departments of GOPA mbH and GOPA Luxembourg More than a simple team building event, the workshop allowed for the review of 2018 achievements and the formulation of priorities and business targets for the upcoming year, helping to engage GOPA management and human resources to common development goals. It is also a great opportunity to exchange ideas aiming to further promote GOPA’s image and sustainability on the market.

The GOPA Statistics workshop was also accompanied by a series of social initiatives, such as a guided tour of the old town in Luxembourg city and a social dinner. The workshop concluded with a cocktail event, an invitation from GOPA Luxembourg for the entire GOPA Statistics team, but as well for GOPA’s business partners, clients and other stakeholders as a means for gratitude for being Partners in Progress for many years.

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Expert Group meeting on policy needs for data on crime

The Expert Group Meeting on Policy Needs for Data on Crime was organized by the Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs (DG HOME) on 30th November 2018 in Brussels. Presentations gave an overview on the various data collections and studies carried out in the topic of crime statistics.

GOPA Luxembourg presented the first findings of the project Overview of the Availability, Comparability and Consistency of Administrative Statistical Data on Recorded Crime and on the Stages of the Criminal Justice Process in the EU. The project is commissioned by DG HOME and aims to inform policy makers on crime and criminal justice which are indispensable for developing evidence-based policy at EU level.

DG HOME presented the results of several data collections: data collection on the treatment of corruption cases in the criminal justice system in EU Member States, pilot data collection on asset freezing and confiscation and pilot data collection on Cyber Crime offences.

Study on “Supporting global data collection and analysis on firearms trafficking and fostering cooperation and information sharing, in particular among countries along major trafficking routes to/from the EU” was presented by United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) presented its work on Drug Supply Indicators.

Participants engaged in a fruitful discussion on the presentations and on the priorities of data collections on crime.

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New award with Eurostat!

GOPA Luxembourg in joint-venture with GOPA Consultants have been awarded the following contract: “Assistance to the performance of the quality reviews in Eurostat”.

The general objective of the contract is to get assistance for the performance of quality reviews in Eurostat through one “intra-muros” service provider through two main tasks:

  • Provide assistance in performing quality reviews at process and output levels;
  • Provide assistance in the follow-up of quality reviews’ improvement actions and reporting.

The contract will run under the form of 4 separate yearly contracts.


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Continued collaboration with Eurostat

GOPA Luxembourg S.à.r.l. is glad to announce that their joint-venture led by GOPA Consultants has successfully been ranked 1st in the cascade of the Eurostat Framework Contract “Supply of statistical services in statistical methodology”. The Framework Contract will initially run for 2 years, with a possible extension for 2 more years.

This is a great recognition of the work done in the past four years with the similar Eurostat contract. In such a period several projects have been successfully implemented leading to very appreciated and innovative results.

Now, GOPA Luxembourg and GOPA Consultants are ready for the new challenge and they will join their strengths and expertise to provide sound methodological support in all statistical areas and innovation in statistics.

Our ambition is to contribute to the modernisation of the official statistics by developing new methods and design new ways for constructing statistical data.

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