
Release of the “EBS Methodological Manual for Statistics on Business Innovation

We are excited to announce the release of the “EBS Methodological Manual for Statistics on Business Innovation” by Eurostat. This is the first edition of a comprehensive manual dedicated to European statistics on business innovation. The manual serves as a crucial tool for statistical offices across the EU, providing guidelines on collecting comparable data on business innovation, in line with the Oslo Manual 2018.


The Community Innovation Survey (CIS), which has been conducted biennially in all EU Member States since 2004, is the primary source of data on business innovation. This manual complements the legislative framework for European Business Statistics, ensuring that CIS data are compatible with other European data collections on businesses.


We invite you to explore this valuable resource and gain insights into the methodologies and concepts that drive the collection and analysis of innovation data in Europe.


Read the European business statistics methodological manual for statistics on business innovation – 2024

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